MMA Gear


FightTicker Radio Show # 2 - Thursday Night, 7pm ET.


Fight Ticker Radio is back this Thursday at a brand new time: 7 PM ET. This week I have two very special guests: Dr. Johnny Benjamin, MD for the first half and Dr. David Mayeda, PhD for the second half. We'll discuss a myriad of topics ranging from the Corey Hill leg break to "justice being served" on TUF 8.

Check after the jump for some details on the two guests as well as the call-in number in case you'd like to call in and ask the guests some questions.

Dr. Johnny Benjamin, MD, is a fight doctor who has been featured on FightTicker, MMA Junkie, and on the HDNET show, Inside MMA.

Not only is he an established doctor, but he's also a well-spoken guy and an mma fan to boot, so listen in for some great opinions.

Additionally, Pramit is hosting Dr. David Mayeda, PhD, a socials issues contributor for FightTicker, and author of the book Fighting for Acceptance: Mixed Martial Arts and Violence in American Society. For Dr. Mayeda's latest article, "A Visual Glimpse into Thailand's Culture of Combat", go here.

If you're interested in ordering his book, go here.

I've personally corresponded with Dr. Mayeda a number of times - he's also an intelligent, insightful guy - a huge mma fan with a great respect for the sport and its fighters.

I'm sure that the two doctors are going to have some great things to say - make sure to check out the show Thursday night at 7pm ET. You can get to the radio show by going here.

If you're interested in calling into to chat or ask one of the guests a question, just call this number (standard long distance rates do apply). (646) 929-1737

I'm looking forward to it. Additionally, I've been asked to be on a future show, so I'll give you all plenty of notice when that is going to happen. As Pramit is waiting until after the holidays to have another show, I imagine it will be sometime early to mid-January.

Until then....


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